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Devlog #1

So ... definitely get a small amount of credit for this project, for the initial idea and the movement, even if the movement is really not that indicative of a car (to be changed at a later date)
So the initial project was you pick up a package, and you deliver it, that's it.

I, wanted to just expand on the small idea of that to be something that you play for 10 seconds, to become something that you can play for 10 minutes, and that's actually been achieved so far.
I hope to bring it to something worth a couple of hours of play within the next few months.

The current features are

  • wasd controls
  • Gas system
  • Wallet system for purchasing gas, and car upgrades (only one atm)
    • for each delivery you get paid a fixed amount, and a tip from the customer, anywhere from %0 - %100 of the delivery price
  • health system, which can be upgraded
  • 7 streets all with unique addresses
  • minimap which highlights where to pick up the package (huge white triangle) and green icons for where you need to deliver the package
  • white square to show where to deliver
  • holding down space to slow your car down, and shift to increase turning speed

I would love to list the upcoming features, but who knows what will be abandoned/added.

Stay tuned!


Build 2 for Play in browser
Jan 11, 2023

Get Delivery Dash

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